Fundamental of Battery and Battery Parameters

COURSE | Started On : Monday, 28 November 2022 15:10 | 110

Free for IESA Members.

Welcome to the Fundamental of Battery and Battery Parameters Course.

Course Overview

A battery is a device that stores chemical energy and converts it to electrical, and there are two types of batteries primary and secondary. Batteries come in many shapes and sizes, from minute cells to large ones and the basic parameters of batteries are voltage, capacity, energy, and power. This course provides a background on batteries and their parameters.

Course Objective

This course will help you understand

  • What are Batteries?
  • Types of Batteries
  • Battery Parameters
  • Components and Design of Batteries
  • Battery Mechanism
  • Battery Charging and Discharging
  • Key Players and Opportunities


Aditya Prasad Palavai

Duration: 1 hr 15 min

About the Student Series:

The energy and transportation ecosystems are undergoing a dynamic transition globally with a paradigm shift from lead-acid to lithium-ion batteries. With the increased demand for electric vehicles and stationary energy, energy storage systems are becoming a necessity for these ecosystems.

As we dive into advanced energy storage research and scale up production and usage of energy storage systems, it becomes critical to build a strong foundation for the future workforce. On this background, starting August 2022, IESA Academy is organizing a year-long student series on energy storage systems to

  • Increase awareness of energy storage systems
  • Build a foundation for energy storage systems taskforce
  • Simplify energy storage concepts for a non-technical audience
  • Open the spectrum of emerging technologies to students and non-technical professionals

Topics to be covered:

Session 1: Introduction to Energy Storage System and its Applications. 

Session 2: Fundamentals of Batteries and Battery Parameters. 

Session 3: Fundamentals of Battery Chemistry. 

Session 4: Introduction to Electric Vehicles Batteries. 

Session 5: Introduction to Battery Testing. 

Session 6: Introduction to Battery Management Systems. 

Session 8: Introduction to Battery Supply Chain. 

Session 9: Introduction to ESS and Renewable Energy Integration. 

Session 10: Introduction to Green Hydrogen. 

Session 11: Introduction to Microgrids. 

Session 12: RnD Facilities, Internship and Startup Opportunities. 

Course Overview
Fundamental of Battery and Battery Parameters