India Behind-the-Meter(BTM) Stationary Storage Market Overview

COURSE | Started On : Wednesday, 27 April 2022 14:32 | 8


Welcome to India Behind-the-Meter(BTM) Stationary Storage Market Overview Webinar.

Webinar Overview

This webinar helps us understand beyond electric vehicles - what are the opportunities for lithium batteries in distributed stationary storage applications.
In 2021 India stationary behind the meter energy storage and railway battery market overview. CES conducted an analyst briefing to cover the key findings from the report on India BTM stationary storage market. 


This webinar provides an understanding on 

  • India BTM energy storage market forecast
  • Scope of the report
  • BTM market trends
  • BTM energy storage projects, India 2021
  • States encouraging RTPV and storage
  • Central level policies/regulations
  • Battery supplier to BTM applications
  • India advanced chemistry cell manufacturing program - NITI Aayog
  • ET subscription Services

Duration:~ 40 min


Avanthika Satheesh


Webinar Overview
Webinar Recording