US-DOE -- IESA Webinar Series on Energy Storage - 21st November 2024

COURSE | Started On : Thursday, 05 December 2024 09:55 | 8


Topic: Battery Prototyping


Presentation by Individual Organisation followed by Discussion-

1. Welcome Remarks – Debi Prasad Dash, President, IESA (5 minutes)

2. Opening Remarks: Dr. Imre Gyuk, Chief Scientist, Energy Storage, Office of Electricity, U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) (5 minutes)

3. Indian Battery Prototyping Centers and R&D collaboration opportunities

Moderator: Dr. Ajinkya Kamat, , Sr. Manager, Innovation, IESA (5 mins)

Suresh Babu, Scientist E, DST (10-12 minutes)

Dr. Brindha Moorthy, Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Technology Tirupati (10-12 minutes)

4. The USA Battery Prototyping Centers and R&D collaboration opportunities

Moderator: Erik D. Spoerke, Ph.D., Senior Analytics Advisor, ENERGY STORAGE DIVISION, US DOE (5 mins)

Matthew J Ganter, Director of the Battery Development Center, Rochester Institute of Technology (10-12 minutes)

Vincent Sprenkle, Director – Grid Storage Launchpad, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (10-12 minutes)

5. Q&A- Moderated by Dr. Rahul Walawalkar, Founder and Chairperson, IESA

6. Vote of Thanks: Elena Thomas-Kerr, Senior Advisor, U.S. Department of Energy

Key Participants:

• Relevant Indian energy departments and associated entities, (Government officials,

Civil societies, Industries)

• US-DOE, US companies, National Labs, National Associations

Webinar Overview
Webinar Recording