Understanding Electric Storage Batteries

COURSE | Started On : Friday, 19 November 2021 15:12 | 195

Free for IESA Members.

Welcome to the Understanding Electric Storage Batteries Course.

Course Overview

The Understanding Electric Storage Batteries course focuses on the general characteristics and operations of batteries (especially lead-acid batteries). The course covers topics such as battery design and its important parts, information about charging and discharging of batteries, operating characteristics and efficiency of the battery, and the operation process of the batteries. In the end, it also covers a wide range of battery types, sizes, designs, operating temperatures, control mechanisms, and chemistries in brief.

Course Objective:

This course will help you understand,

  • Designing of batteries
  • Working of batteries
  • The operating concept of a secondary battery
  • Components of lead-acid battery
  • Various battery parameters and their importance
  • Protection from premature failure of the battery
  • Battery life and maintenance

Course Duration~ 1 hour 

 Good for

  • Operations, service, maintenance, project, and factory personal from the battery sector
  • Manufacturing companies and their dealers
  • Datacentre Companies

About the Series

This course is part of the online training series on energy storage. Other modules of this training series are:







Course Overview
Introduction, Uses and Design of Batteries
Working of Battery, Important Parts and Their Design: Negative Plates & Grid, Electrolyte, Separators
Battery Container & Cover, Terminals, Venting System,
Battery Design and Operating Characteristics: Capacity, Battery Temperature & its Effects, Service Life
Battery Design and Operating Characteristics: Flooded or Sealed Design, Deep Cycle Design, Battery Charge Efficiency, Overcharge, Undercharge, Deep Discharge
Battery Operation Process and Battery Charging Efficiency
Fast Charging Vehicle